Lágt verð í gegnum Factory-Direct
Vinna beint með raftækjaverksmiðjunni til að skera út milliliðinn. Nýtt upprunalegt með lágu og afslætti verði
Öruggur og gæðaáreiðanleiki
Gæðatryggingakerfi fyrir frábær vörugæði. Á réttum tíma, í hvert skipti, útvegun gæðaíhluta.
Yfir 15 milljónir birgða
100+ frægasti alþjóðlegur framleiðandi, yfir 15 milljónir birgða. Birgðir í boði sem styðja að kaupa beint með afsláttarverði.
Viðskiptavinavæn þjónusta
Einstaklingslausn sérsniðin að þínum einstöku þörfum. Stuðningur á vefsíðu á 12 tungumálum, meiri þægindi og hröð þjónusta.
Particle is a scalable, reliable, and secure IoT device platform that enables businesses to quickly and easily build, connect, and manage their connected solutions. They aim to make the Internet of Things easy and accessible. Particle's tools are used by over 100,000 engineers in more than 170 countries, including Fortune 500 companies who are developing and managing fleets of new IoT products. Their portfolio includes Wi-Fi and cellular connectivity modules, a cellular data platform, a device management console, and a comprehensive set of development tools. Particle was listed as one of Fast Company's Most Innovative Companies of 2015 and its CEO, Zach Supalla, has spoken as an authority on the Internet of Things at prominent events such as OSCON, Solid, Web Summit, GMIC, and Launch.