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Öruggur og gæðaáreiðanleiki
Gæðatryggingakerfi fyrir frábær vörugæði. Á réttum tíma, í hvert skipti, útvegun gæðaíhluta.
Yfir 15 milljónir birgða
100+ frægasti alþjóðlegur framleiðandi, yfir 15 milljónir birgða. Birgðir í boði sem styðja að kaupa beint með afsláttarverði.
Viðskiptavinavæn þjónusta
Einstaklingslausn sérsniðin að þínum einstöku þörfum. Stuðningur á vefsíðu á 12 tungumálum, meiri þægindi og hröð þjónusta.
Taica Corporation manufacturers Alpha-GEL® silicone Anti-vibration & Impact-absorbing products, and Lambda-GEL® Thermal Interface Materials (TIMs), which are used for a wide range of applications. Taica products include Anti-vibration components such as bolt-mount Vibration Insulators/Isolators, silicone Bushings, self-adhesive silicone GEL Chips & GEL Tapes, and SN Anti-vibration sheets, as well as Impact-absorbing materials like NP GEL foam silicone sheets. Taica also manufactures a wide variety of Thermally Conductive materials, in sheet, pad and paste formats (Taica TIMs are typically used between a heat sink and heat-generating electronic device). Alpha-GEL® is a complete family of soft, durable, and environmentally-friendly silicone products that can be used over a wide temperature range (-40°C to +200°C). Target industries include Automotive and Transportation, Aerospace, Marine, Consumer Electronics, Medical Devices, Hand-held Devices, Automation Equipment, Processing Systems, Manufacturing, and Factory Automation applications.