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Öruggur og gæðaáreiðanleiki
Gæðatryggingakerfi fyrir frábær vörugæði. Á réttum tíma, í hvert skipti, útvegun gæðaíhluta.
Yfir 15 milljónir birgða
100+ frægasti alþjóðlegur framleiðandi, yfir 15 milljónir birgða. Birgðir í boði sem styðja að kaupa beint með afsláttarverði.
Viðskiptavinavæn þjónusta
Einstaklingslausn sérsniðin að þínum einstöku þörfum. Stuðningur á vefsíðu á 12 tungumálum, meiri þægindi og hröð þjónusta.
Tensility is a custom cable assemblies company that supports engineers, OEMs, and distribution throughout the world. Tensility's business practices and philosophies are inspired from the properties of the cable itself: strength, purity, and flexibility.
Tensility’s core strengths are in two major product lines: dc power cables and audio cables. Digi-Key’s line of Tensility cables covers most standard applications. However, Tensility specializes in creating a cable specifically designed for a customer’s application. If a cord is too short or long, or the connector needs to be modified, Tensility will facilitate the process of specifying the exact cable for any application.
Tensility also supplies a wide variety of more unusual cables, from customized overmolded wire harnesses to highly complex assemblies. Since each product is built to order, including the cables built for Digi-Key to complement their connector products, understanding and executing a customer’s needs is Tensility’s top priority.
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379154 Vörur
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49022 Vörur
59307 Vörur