Lágt verð í gegnum Factory-Direct
Vinna beint með raftækjaverksmiðjunni til að skera út milliliðinn. Nýtt upprunalegt með lágu og afslætti verði
Öruggur og gæðaáreiðanleiki
Gæðatryggingakerfi fyrir frábær vörugæði. Á réttum tíma, í hvert skipti, útvegun gæðaíhluta.
Yfir 15 milljónir birgða
100+ frægasti alþjóðlegur framleiðandi, yfir 15 milljónir birgða. Birgðir í boði sem styðja að kaupa beint með afsláttarverði.
Viðskiptavinavæn þjónusta
Einstaklingslausn sérsniðin að þínum einstöku þörfum. Stuðningur á vefsíðu á 12 tungumálum, meiri þægindi og hröð þjónusta.
Whitman Controls prides itself on the quality and diversity of products they offer including: miniature pressure, vacuum, temperature and liquid level switches. They apply the same principles of military service into their everyday business practices: tireless dedication, rigorous quality standards, faithfully fulfilling their values and mission. Whitman never loses sight of the core values or their fierce commitment to their clients, especially those that have been loyal partners for the entirety of the 40+ years of this disabled veteran-owed small business’s existence.
Whitman has the ability to build and ship a switch to customers’ exact specifications within two weeks or less, offering overnight shipping on all in-stock models. They have the skills and ability to take many specifications as well as users’ applications and media environment to meet all the performance and application needs required by their customers.
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